Hot Shower.

Hey. Just talked to Michael and Blake (AKA aussie boys) on msn. Haha, but they needed to get some sleep. So now I'm alone again. SWEET! Haha, actually it kinda is.. Right. So today I thought I'd wake up early, didn't happen. And then do some work out, didn't happen. And then maybe talk to some cute guys on msn. Now that, did happen. ;) And when I up a few hours ago and went in to the living room it was so beautiful. Like everthing was white except for the sun. The sun was pink. And yeah.. Haha, so whats up for now... I think I'm going to go on a hot date with my shower. Yer, that sounds nice. Can't wait. Haha.

Love ya!

View from living room. This pic was taken on christmas eve a year ago.


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