You're So True
"I'm strange and you're strange. Don't want you to change. No way"
This post goes out to my friends, the best ones you could ever have.
You see, when I started at IESJ I was a bit of an outsider. Didn't really know how to fit in. So, I changed. Became someone I didn't really know. I was a stranger to myself.

When I met you guys for the first time, I can't say I was your biggest fan..

But after a while...

..I learned that judging the people you don't even know is wrong..

we started to become more and more alike eachother...

...even though we had our rainy days, the sun always returned...

when we got back to IESJ after the best summer of my life, people were ready to split us up...

but we just weren't ready to give up...

there hasn't been a day since the summer of 2o1o that I haven't thought about you, my babes.

we work, together.. most of the time xd..

where ever you guys go, i will follow.

cause, to be honest, when i'm with you.. i'm alive.

and happy to be alive.

without you by my side, i'd be nothing.

So, what I'm really trying to say is; Thank you. Astrid, Ida Xing, Peggy and Amanda. (the infinite 23)
Jag älskar er. ♥
Postat av: amanda
det här är det finaste jag någonsin läst på en blogg i hela mitt fucking liv! Önska jag också kunde komma på något så vackert, det är seriöst så jävla rörande att det bring tears, vad fan nu det heter på svenska ! <3
omg va fiiiiint, så saaaaant hela inlägget bara omggggg pewihoueyghuwhgw8he damp! <3333